// Chinese (China) I18n = window.I18n || {}; I18n.defaultLocale = 'zh_CN'; I18n.locale = 'zh_CN'; I18n.translations = I18n.translations || {}; I18n.translations['zh_CN'] = { "": "", "Delete": "删除", "Users rejected": "用户拒收", "Exchange success": "换货成功", "Completed Exchange": "换货成功", "Third Category": "三级类目", "Please skip to ": "请跳转", "Customer paid the payment": "客官付好银子了", "Order time": "订单时间", "Site Management": "站点管理", "Welcome to register ": "欢迎注册", "Anonymous User": "匿名用户", "Wait Return": "退货待处理", "new shipping address": "使用新地址", "Status": "状态", "Click here to view": "点此查看", "Category Name": "分类名称", "Exchange": "换货", "Manage Returns": "退货款管理", "subtotal": "小计", "Immediately to activate": "马上去激活", "Copyrights reserved ": "版权所有", "Our staffs are rushing the progress for you": "热血工人正在爆发小宇宙", "Uodo Return good": "撤回退货申请", "business license": "营业执照", "Re-apply": "重新申请", "This will not be restored": "此操作将不可恢复", "Username cannot be mobile phone number ": "用户名不能为电话", "Add personal information": "补充个人信息", "See details": "查看详情", "Renewal time": "更新时间", "Please enter username ": "请输入用户名", "Tracking numbers": "运单号码", "Logistics company": "物流公司", "Log in": "Log in", "Please enter valid reasons for returns or refund ": "请输入退货/款原因", "Registered phone number": "注册电话", "organization code certificate": "组织机构代码证", "Add to Cart": "添加购物车成功", "Sub order": "子订单", "My Profile": "个人资料", "Request Return(Seller)": "买家申请退货", "No Reason": "无原因", "Incomplete Accessories": "附件不全", "Create Template": "创建模版", "Cash on delivery": "货到付款", "Verify email ": "验证邮箱", "Submit": "提交", "description for returns/refund ": "退货款描述", "Packing list": "包装清单", "This item is frozen": "商品已冻结", "please upload the organization code certificate": "请上传组织机构代码证", "My Coupons": "我的优惠券", "Refund(Seller)": "妥投退款", "Add": "创建", "Sellers rejected": "商家拒收", "Email": "邮箱", "Orders Management": "订单管理", "Pay": "支付", "Sign in ": "登录", "Creator": "创建人", "Regional": "所在地区", "Registration success": "注册成功", "Deliver time": "发货时间", "Sku Code": "Sku编码", "Please enter the current password": "请输入正确的密码", "Second Category": "二级类目", "Sub order quantity ": "子订单数量", "When enabled": "启用后", "Back to editting cart": "返回修改购物车", "The consolidated price": "合计(元)", "All Order Status": "全部交易状态", "Enter password again ": "再次输入密码", "Verification Timeout ": "商家审核超时", "Are you sure you agree to the return": "您确定同意退货吗", "Delivery Status": "Delivery Status", "Product SPU": "SPU", "Brand": "品牌", "Please enter your real name": "请输入您的真实姓名", "undo refund": "undo refund", "success": "审核成功", "Video": "视频", "Please enter recipient name ": "请输入收货人姓名", "Pay ": "支付", "Price (RM)": "价格(元)", "Logistics": "物流配送", "Enter postcode": "请输入邮编", "Store name": "店铺名称", "Return completed(Seller)": "确认收货,退款成功", "Sorted Products": "已分类商品", "Add a role": "添加角色", "Item submit purchase requisition": "提交商品", "Transaction overview ": "交易快照", "Wait Buyers Deliver": "等待买家发货", "Company invoice": "企业发票", "Enter order number": "输入订单号", "Please enter mobilenumber": "请输入手机号", "Electronic business platform": "电商平台", "Password ": "密码", "Home": "家庭", "Back to sign in ": "返回登录", "Return": "退货", "Item added to cart successfully": "该商品已经成功添加到购物车,您可以选择接下来的操作", "User Dashboard": "用户中心", "Please tick the product info you want ": "请勾选您要的商品信息", "Rejection": "拒绝收货", "Are you sure you agree for replacement": "您确定同意换货吗", "Username": "用户名", "Completed Refunds(Seller)": "确认收货,退款成功", "Shipped by Seller(Seller)": "已发货", "Seller": "商家", "Are you sure to publish it": "您确定发布吗", "Seller Dashboard": "商家中心", "Default expand": "前台默认展开", "and wait for the seller to refund you ": "并等待商家退款", "Delete order form ": "删除订单", "Recipient Address": "收获地址", "Purchase quantity ": "购买数量", "Service phone": "服务电话", "Continue to buy": "继续购买", "ID": "编号", "No more than": "不超过", "After closing the order will be closed": "关闭之后该订单将关闭", "exit": "退出", "Your profile picture": "您的头像", "The amount of goods": "商品金额", "Confirm the new password": "确认新密码", "Rejected Return(Seller)": "拒绝退货", "Username first and last character cannot be an underscore": "用户名首位和末位不能为下划线", "online payment": "在线支付", "Not Enabled": "未启用", "Waiting platform intervention": "等待平台介入", "Agree": "同意", "Trading Success(Seller)": "交易成功", "Edit Password": "修改密码", "Add an Address": "创建收获地址", "Fourth Category": "四级类目", "Store Management": "店铺管理", "Refund Request Rejected(Seller)": "拒绝退款", "Request Order Cancellation": "等待退款", "Seller Reply": "商家回复", "Buyer Cancel Return": "已撤销退货", "Mobile site Store": "移动端 店铺", "Full name": "姓名", "Brand recommendation ": "品牌推荐", "Set as Default": "设为默认", "All Products": "所有商品", "Amount": "货款", "RMA exchange application has been approved": "售后换货申请已通过", "Sold ": "已销售", "You are now viewing the transaction overview ": "您现在查看的是交易快照", "My Order": "我的订单", "Default": "默认", "current payment channel": "当前所选支付渠道", "Are you sure to delete it, cannot be recovered after deleting": "删除之后无法恢复,确定删除吗?", "Pending payment from buyer(Seller)": "等待买家付款", "Are you sure you want to delete": "您确定要删除", "Order No": "订单编号", "Receive": "收", "Select at least one": "至少要选择一个", "Tight inventory ": "库存紧张", "Pending refund ": "等待退款", "Mobilenumber": "手机号", "Invoice title ": "发票抬头", "All": "全部", "Please enter a correct mobile number ": "请输入正确的手机号", "audit does not pass": "审核不通过", "Bank account number ": "银行账号", "Please choose other item": "请选择其他商品", "Return Request Rejected(Seller)": "拒绝退货", "I have paid": "我已支付", "Unlist": "下架", "Sub Account feature can be used to your role": "子账号可以使用所属角色功能", "merchantCenter": "商家中心", "Buyers Shipped": "买家已发货", "Street address": "街道地址", "Business license": "营业执照", "Register ": "注册", "Upload profile picture": "上传头像", "Personal invoice": "个人发票", "unit": "单位", "Numbers, letters, characters, underline, symbols, up 80 characters": "数字、字母、汉字、下划线、小括号组成,最长80个字符", "Transaction": "交易", "Create a site": "创建站点", "Total(RM)": "总价(元)", "Request for return rejected ": "退货申请被拒绝", "Date & Time": "导入时间", "Set as default address ": "设为默认地址", "Publish": "发布", "Go back to four change order ": "支付详情", "Collapse": "全部收起", "Please enter a site name": "请输入站点名称", "Customer Remark Message": "备注信息", "Publish ": "发布", "Product Name": "商品名称", "Address must be in 5-120 characters": "地址为5-120个字符", "Please enter a new phone number": "请输入新手机号码", "Invoice information ": "发票信息", "Selected ": "已选中", "Please contact the seller for more information ": "请与商家联系以获取更多信息", "Please enter the template name": "请输入模版名称", "Your cart is empty ": "您的购物车中还没有商品", "Your reviews will be helpful to other buyers ": "您的评价对其他买家很有帮助", "reason": "原因", "Unit price ": "单价", "My Profile Management": "个人资料管理", "Re-apply for a replacement": "重新申请换货", "Male": "男", "Still can type": "还可以输入", "After confirmation platform will get involved in this transaction": "确认之后平台将介入此交易", "Edit": "修改", "Unrated content will be rated 5 points at default ": "未打分的项目会默认为5分哦", "PC-site": "PC端", "Payment method": "支付方式", "Rejected Refund": "卖家拒绝退款", "Awaiting seller to verify": "等待卖家审核", "Product Damaged": "开箱残", "Click here to view newest item details": "点此查看最新商品详情", "Order form": "订单", "Address Type": "地址类型", "ActiGSTe": "激活", "Order total ": "订单总额", "merchant settled": "商家入驻", "Shipping Management": "运费管理", "Refund": "妥投退款", "good(s)": "件商品", "Express delivery": "快递", "RM": "¥", "Delivery Fee Templates Management": "运费模版", "Are you sure you refused to return it": "您确定拒绝退货吗", "Bank": "开户银行", "Please select a date": "请选择日期", "Close Order": "关闭订单", "Buyers rejected": "买家拒收", "Finish time": "结束时间", "Enable": "启用", "Female": "女", "Product review ": "商品评价", "My Return": "我的退货款订单", "Checking ": "校验中", "Listed products": "上架商品", "Phone no": "手机号码", "check your order ": "查看您的订单", "User review": "用户评价", "Re-apply Return": "重新申请退货", "No.": "序号", "Fill in basic informations ": "填写基本信息", "Removed from catalog ": "已下架", "Writing": "文字", "Start with single order": "单个订单开始", "Template Type": "模版类型", "system manage": "系统管理", "Accessories Error": "配件原因", "Current Password": "当前密码", "Add New Tab": "创建分类", "All trading status": "全部交易状态", "Courier Company": "Courier Company", "item ": "件", "Are you sure to enable it": "确定启用此模板吗?", "Unpublished": "未发布", "Search": "搜索", "Phone number ": "手机号", "Street information": "详细地址", "View Return Address": "查看退货地址", "To": "截止日期", "Disabled": "停用", "Completed Returns": "退货成功", "Save Changes": "保存", "Mobile number cannot be empty ": "手机号不得为空", "help center": "帮助中心", "This item is suspend": "此商品已被冻结", "Non": "无", "Decoration": "装修", "See Logistics Information": "查看物流信息", "Shipping Addresses": "收货地址管理", "ship fee": "邮费(元)", "Registered address": "注册地址", "Enter the verification code": "输入验证码", "Select City": "选择城市", "Online Payment": "在线支付", "Postcode must be in 5 numbers": "邮编必须为6位数字", "userCenter": "用户中心", "shop": "店铺", "Yes": "是", "also can go ": "也可以去", "description": "说明", "Our warehouse keeper was received the order": "工厂已接单", "The carrier centre personel is working for you": "服务中心正在给您派活", "Retrieve success": "找回成功", "street": "街道", "Products in this area has sold old at the moment": "你所选的商品已售罄", "Are you sure you refuse a refund": "您确定拒绝退款吗", "Others": "其他", "Please select province": "请选择发票", "Start shopping ": "开始购物", "User Rejected Goods": "用户拒收", "Edit address": "修改地址", "Request for refund(Seller)": "买家申请退款", "Cancelled": "已取消", "Customer rejected to receive the item": "客官拒签收", "Item in cart": "购物车中的商品", "Site Configuration": "站点配置", "View order details": "查看订单详情", "Refuse to return": "拒绝退货", "Dear,your email has not been activated": "亲,您的邮箱未激活", "Not chosen yet": "未选择", "Filter": "筛选", "Serial number ": "编号", "x item(s)": "件商品", "Phone number": "电话", "Return Request Rejected": "退货申请已拒绝", "SelectDate": "加入购物车时间", "Please enter role name": "请输入角色名称", "Please enter the correct verification code ": "请输入正确的确认密码", "Support": "支持", "review process": "审核过程中", "Now you can ": "现在您可以", "Retrieve password ": "找回密码", "Role management": "角色管理", "Password cannot be empty ": "密码不得为空", "edit item detail": "edit item detail", "Add to cart ": "加入购物车", "Financial Management": "结算管理", "Home page": "首页", "Login": "Login", "General taxpayer certificate": "一般纳税人证书", "PC-side Store": "PC端 店铺", "Non ": "无", "Template name": "模版名称", "Batch online/listing": "批量上架", "Select Image": "选择图片", "Please contact customer service to confirm refund amount ": "请与客服联系确定退款金额", "My reviews ": "我的评价", "Products Management": "商品管理", "Zip Code": "邮编", "Enter phone number": "请输入新手机号", "Export": "导出", "Enter user password again ": "再次输入用户密码", "Edit Category": "重新修改类目", "Specifically, see ": "具体请见", "Refund Management": "退款管理", "Agree to return": "同意退货", "more": "更多", "Shopping cart": "购物车", "Edit category": "编辑", "Agree Return(Seller)": "同意退货", "Please sign in again ": "请重新登录", "Go to reject refund ": "去退款", "Weak ": "弱", "Type": "类型", "Pending payment from buyer ": "等待买家付款", "Are you sure to close order": "您确定关闭订单吗", "Default address": "默认地址", "Rejected Refund(Seller)": "拒绝退款", "please enter the shop name": "请输入店铺名名称", "Change Password": "修改密码", "Electronic business platforma": "电商平台", "None": "无", "Return success": "退货成功", "Refuse refund": "拒绝退款", "Unsorted Products": "未分类商品", "Personal ": "个人", "Cannot be restored after deleting, confirm delete?": "商品删除之后不可恢复,确认删除?", "Product Images": "商品图片", "Username have been taken ": "该用户名已存在", "Buyer Cancel Return(Seller)": "买家撤销退货", "Wait Seller Receive": "等待商家收货", "Open when needed ": "等需要了再打开", "Request for return": "申请退货", "Please enter your mobile phone number ": "请输入您的手机号码", "My Profile ": "个人信息", "Batch classify": "批量分类", "Batch delete": "批量删除", "Postcode": "邮编", "No result": "后面不知道", "Electronic invoice": "电子发票", "shop templates": "店铺模板", "Failed Order Cancellation": "商家收购", "Order Details": "订单明细", "Rates": "费率", "Logistics Information Input": "物流信息录入", "coupon list": "coupon list", "remark": "备注", "Your account has not been registered": "亲,您的账户还未注册", "It will enter the exchange process after consent": "同意之后将进入换货流程", "Shipped by Seller": "商家已发货", "Uodo Return fee": "撤回退款申请", "upload picture": "上传图片", "Product Number (number)": "商品编号(数字)", "A certified copy of the registration tax": "税务登记证副本", "After deletion order from will not be searchable ": "确认后订单将不会被查询到", "Cash-on-Delivery": "货到付款", "Must be completed or check at least one": "项必须填写或勾选至少一项", "From": "开始日期", "Date": "日期", "Sub order selling price ": "子订单售价", "Already reRequest for RMA": "已重新申请售后", "Now you can go back to shopping ": "现在您可以返回继续购物啦", "Buyers Shipped(Seller)": "买家已发退还货物", "Retype new password": "请重新输入新的密码", "Numbers, letters, characters, underscores, up to 50 characters": "数字、字母、汉字、下划线组成,最长50个字符", "Pending": "待审核", "Edit product details": "编辑商品详情", "Please enter a domain name": "请输入站点域名", "Enter Category name": "你当前选择的是", "Customer": "顾客", "Please enter street address": "请输入街道地址", "Product Code": "商品编码", "Store": "店铺", "Product": "商品", "This order has promotional info ": "此订单有优惠信息", "My shopping cart": "我的购物车", "invoice type": "发票类型", "Account of financial reconciliation": "对账", "Binding vip card": "绑定会员卡", "Picture": "图片", "Enabling": "启用中", "Request for refund": "申请退款", "Request for refund rejected ": "退款申请被拒绝", "Refund request approved ": "商家同意退款", "Role name": "角色名称", "New Password": "新密码", "Username contain invalid characters ": "用户名包含非法字符", "Buy now ": "立即购买", "Refund complete": "卖家同意退款", "Buyers Close orders": "订单已取消", "Buyers Request for return": "买家申请退货", "Fill in email ": "填写邮箱", "Welcome to ": "欢迎来到", "Are you sure you want to delete order form? ": "您确定删除订单吗", "Confirm receipt": "确认收货", "This item has been removed from list ": "此商品已下架", "Please enter the email": "请输入邮箱", "shop pictures": "店铺图片", "Re-enter password": "重复密码", "View Logistics": "查看物流", "Sex": "性别", "Store name cannot be empty": "店铺名称不能为空", "A replacement has been completed": "换货已完成", "User agreement ": "用户注册协议", "Reject Reason": "拒绝原因", "Please wait": "请等待", "Check to Cart ": "查看购物车", "Sales": "销量", "Subaccount will not be available": "子账号将不能登录", "Rejected Return": "退货拒绝", "Return Completed": "退货已完成", "Street Address": "街道地址", "site manage": "站点管理", "Please enter the tracking number": "请输入运单号码", "Apply Exchange": "换货申请", "Completion of shopping process upon the confirmation": "确认后将完成购物流程", "Outer sku id": "外部ID", "Amount ": "金额", "Medium ": "中", "Please enter the correct password (8-16 characters)": "请输入正确的密码(8-16位任意字符)", "Failed to pay": "支付失败", "Merchant Services": "商家服务", "Username cannot be email address ": "用户名不能为邮箱", "Return Good Shiped": "已发退还货物", "Logistics Error": "配送产生问题", "Date&Time": "日期", "please enter the mobile phone number or phone number": "请输入手机号或者固定电话", "Published": "已发布", "Agree to return(Seller)": "同意退货", "Buyer Cancel Refund": "已撤销退款", "Pending for seller to deliver ": "等待卖家发货", "RenoGSTion": "装修", "Please enter buyer's nickname ": "请输入买家昵称", "Actual amount": "实付款", "Transaction serial number ": "交易编号", "Mobile number": "手机号码", "Mobile number or email address": "手机或者邮箱", "please enter the shop phone": "请输入店铺电话", "List": "上架", "Please enter refund amount ": "请输入退款金额", "Go back to order center ": "返回订单中心", "I have read and agree ": "我已阅读并同意", "Normal invoice ": "普通发票", "Operation ": "操作", "Your product has been shipped out!": "发货啦", "Role": "角色", "Your product is getting to deliver": "马上要送到您的手中了", "Area": "地区", "create sub account": "创建账户", "Unfortunately ": "很遗憾", "Support the below payment platform": "支持以下支付平台", "GST information": "增票信息", "Please enter the correct password (6-16 characters)": "请输入正确的密码(6-16位任意字符)", "Item not found ": "没有找到您想要查询的商品", "Order Number": "订单编号", "Enter current password": "输入原密码", "Authorities Management": "权限管理", "Request Return": "已申请退货", "Bind sub account": "绑定子账号", "Continue shopping ": "继续购物", "Back to homepage": "返回首页", "Buyers Close orders(Seller)": "买家取消订单", "Landed": "登陆", "You have missed the time to apply": "您已错过了申请的时间", "Types ": "类型", "Seller name ": "商家公司名", "Total ": "总额", "Publish Site": "发布站点", "Electronic Invoice": "电子发票", "Created At": "创建日期", "Apply Time": "申请时间", "Return completed": "卖家已确认收货,退款成功", "Enter password ": "输入密码", "Settlements Management": "结算管理", "Get phone verification code": "获取手机验证码", "Real name": "真实姓名", "Business Management": "业务管理", "Add Products": "添加商品", "Trading Success": "交易成功", "Refund Amount": "退款金额", "Import": "导入", "After you delete it cannot be restored, please be careful": "删除之后无法恢复,请慎重", "Activities ": "活动", "tax registration certificate": "税务登记证", "Birthday": "生日", "Refund complete(Seller)": "同意退款", "Listed time": "上架时间", "Shop min consumption": "最低下单限额(元)", "Are you sure to cancel the refund apply": "Are you sure to cancel the refund apply", "Your current location": "您当前的位置", "Actions": "操作", "All items category ": "全部商品分类", "Return application has been approved": "退货申请已通过", "index": "首页", "shipfee": "运费", "Reasons": "原因", "Main page ": "主页", "Sellers Close orders": "卖家取消订单", "Delivered Orders": "发货", "Please enter username": "请输入用户名", "Enable? Once enabled, shop will begin to use this display template, make sure you have complete the editing and publishing.": "确认启用?启用后店铺将会即时开始使用此模板展现,请确保已经编辑和发布完成再进行启用。", "This template will not exist after deleting": "删除之后将不存在此模版", "within 15 days": "15天之内", "Are you sure to delete it?": "您确定删除吗?", "Cancel": "取消", "Current status": "当前状态", "Confirm": "确定", "audit, please wait patiently": "审核中, 请耐心等待", "Are you sure you reject the goods": "您确定拒绝收货吗", "Please enter phone number": "请输入手机号", "Returning in process": "退货中", "GST invoice": "增值税发票", "Maximum not exceeding RM": "最多不能超过 xxx 元", "View Store": "查看店铺", "Sub order status and operations": "子订单状态及操作", "Dynamic Rating": "动态评分", "Password don't match": "两次密码不一致", "is Default": "是否默认", "User password": "用户密码", "Total sales": "总销量", "RMA": "售后", "Payment methods": "付款方式", "Select a shipping address": "选择收货地址", "Sub account management": "子账号管理", "RMA is complete after confirmation ": "确认之后售后完成", "Delisted": "未上架", "System is processeing ": "系统正在努力处理", "Confirm info ": "确认信息", "Confirm order ": "订单确定", "Payment type": "支付类型", "Account information": "账户信息", "use": "use", "show more": "显示更多", "Template": "模板", "Returns": "退货款中心", "Return Refund Center": "退货/款中心", "Username ": "用户名", "Refuse": "拒绝", "RMA complete": "售后已完成", "Submit order": "提交订单", "Please enter the correct password": "请输入正确的密码", "Add us to favourite ": "收藏我们", "Configure payment channels": "配置支付渠道", "Popular searches ": "热门搜索", "logIn": "请登录", "Agree Refund": "卖家同意退款", "Already applied for RMA ": "已申请售后", "Payment": "支付方式", "Price": "价格(元)", "Order Tracking": "查看物流信息", "Store Address": "店铺地址", "Continue Shopping ": "继续购物", "Save": "保存", "Own delivery by seller ": "商家自行送货", "Are you sure?": "您确定要继续?", "Source template": "源模版", "Total price (RM)": "总价(元)", "Payment channel configuration": "支付渠道配置", "Batch offline/unlist": "批量下架", "Delivery area": "送货区域", "Edit product information": "编辑商品信息", "Clear": "清除", "Set Default": "设为默认", "Buyer Dashboard": "买家中心", "Return Address": "退货地址", "Inactive": "未激活", "Leave a comment ": "发表评价", "Tax Registration Number": "税务登记号", "Application has been approved": "申请已通过", "Fill in account info ": "填写帐号信息", "pack up": "收起", "Continue submit": "继续提交", "Please enter your password": "请输入密码", "Product name": "商品名称", "discount code": "discount code", "Address ": "地址", "Expand All": "全部展开", "Due to different batches of products, vendors may have different packing list, please check the product first": "由于厂商产品批次不同", "Menu Editor": "店铺分类", "Are you sure you want to continue": "您确定要继续", "Tracking Code": "Tracking Code", "Refund completed": "退款已完成", "Product name ": "商品名称", "Buyers": "买家", "Returns in Transit": "等待买家收货", "Register now ": "立即注册", "please enter the street": "请输入街道", "This item has been deleted ": "此商品已删除", "Product details ": "商品详情", "Yes ": "是", "Go to registration ": "去注册", "Not supported": "不支持", "character": "字", "Our web admin starting to proceed the order": "掌柜的赶紧准备备货吧", "Are you sure payment was successful? ": "您确定支付成功了嘛", "Return Good Shiped(Seller)": "买家已发退还货物", "in Process": "进行中", "congratulations, review and approval": "恭喜您, 审核通过", "please upload the tax registration certificate": "请上传税务登记证", "Request Refund(Seller)": "买家申请退款", "Comment ": "说点啥吧", "Sellers Close orders(Seller)": "订单已取消", "Close": "关闭", "Coupon Management": "优惠券管理", "Name must be in between 2-25 characters": "姓名为2-25个字符", "Inventory": "库存", "Invoice Title": "发票抬头", "Office": "工作", "First Category": "一级类目", "Order total": "订单总额", "Promotions": "优惠活动", "Options ": "多选", "After published,business will operate with this template": "发布之后商家将会操作此模版", "Buyer Cancel Refund(Seller)": "买家撤销退款", "Low stocks": "库存紧张", "siteManagement": "站点管理", "Last signed in time": "最近登录时间", "Transaction time": "成交时间", "Logistics return": "物流退回", "Pending Delivery": "等待发货", "Agree to refund": "同意退款", "Product Details ": "商品详情", "shop name": "店铺名称", "PC Store": "PC Store", "Assembly Error": "安装原因", "Domain name": "域名", "Change phone number": "更换手机号码", "After the deactiGSTion": "停用后", "Please enter nickname ": "请输入昵称", "Listed": "上架", "Obtaining information on GST ": "正在获取增值税信息", "Invoice type ": "发票类型", "Total price ": "总价", "Our product does not met to your requirements": "咱们的货不争气啊", "Please enter password in 8-16 characters": "密码须包含“大写字母、小写字母、数字、特殊字符(如:!@#$%^&*._)”至少两种组合,长度为8至16位", "Copy Template": "复制模版", "Phone No": "手机号码", "Pending for seller to deliver(Seller)": "待发货", "Please enter a new password": "请输入一个新密码", "Confirm Password": "确认密码", "Please enter logistics info ": "输入快递信息", "Page": "页面", "Total Order Status": "总订单状态", "Brand ": "品牌", "Industry": "行业", "Basic merchandise Information": "商品基本信息", "Pending Exchange": "换货待处理", "News Management": "新闻管理", "Publish? All site changes will take effect after it is published. You can also choose to use the renoGSTed interface to publish a single page rather than the entire site.": "确认发布?发布后站点下所有页面的改动都将生效。也可以选择进入装修界面后发布单个页面而非整个站点。", "Please select": "请选择", "Deliver": "发货", "Product Title": "商品标题", "Set name ": "套餐名字", "Pay now ": "去支付", "Recipient address": "收货地址", "Application for RMA has closed ": "申请售后入口已经关闭", "Request Refund": "已申请退款", "Automatic audit approved": "自动审核通过", "Good Categories": "所属分类", "Reason for returns/refund ": "退货/款原因", "region": "地区", "changed": "改", "Set new password": "设置新密码", "Product quality": "商品质量", "Are you sure you received the product": "您确定收货吗", "Action": "操作", "Order number": "订单号", "Time": "时间", "Insufficient product in inventory ": "商品库存不足", "please upload a business license": "请上传营业执照", "Agree Refund(Seller)": "同意退款", "Confirm order info": "确认订单", "Edit Store": "店铺装修", "VAT Invoice": "增值税发票", "Logistics info from ": "物流信息来源于", "shop phone": "店铺电话", "Product Quality issues": "商品质量问题", "Category Management": "类目管理", "Store info": "店铺详情", "Confirm order": "确定订单", "View": "查看", "Announce Management": "公告管理", "Back to order list": "返回订单列表", "Manually cancel ": "手动取消", "Editor": "编辑", "Your payment is successful ": "您的付款已经成功", "Refund Request Rejected": "退款申请已拒绝", "Location": "所在地", "Please enter the correct phone number": "请输入正确的手机号码", "Company Shipped Wrong Product or Size": "发错商品", "Are you sure you want to set as default?": "您确定要设为默认?", "Completed Refunds": "卖家已确认收货,退款成功", "signUp": "免费注册", "Change email ": "更换邮箱", "Upload LOGO": "更新图标", "Seller's name": "商家名称", "price": "价格(元)", "Cart status": "购物车状态", "Confirm deactiGSTe the sub-account": "确认停用该子账号", "Template Configuration": "模版配置", "Mobile Store": "Mobile Store", "Payment channels": "支付渠道", "Inventory ": "库存", "Delivery fee": "运费", "Please enter your order number": "请输入订单编号", "Please check with merchants for exchange of item or repairs ": "换货或维修建议您和商家协商", "Mobile-site": "移动端", "Transaction complete": "交易完成", "Target template": "目标模版", "fail": "审核失败", "Normal Invoice": "普通发票", "Please enter amount not more than 99 ": "请输入最多2位小数的金额", "Reviews": "评价管理", "Re-apply for a refund": "重新申请退款", "Exchange in process": "换货中", "Agree Return": "卖家同意退货", "Paid time": "付款时间", "Nickname ": "昵称", "Pending replacement": "换货待处理", "Description": "描述", "Payment successful ": "付款成功", "Unlisted": "下架商品", "Invoicing": "开具发票", "Failed Returns": "退款失败", "Invalid delete": "删除无效商品", "Please enter phone ": "请输入手机", "Verify Password": "确认密码", "It will enter the return process after consent": "同意之后将进入退货流程", "Strong ": "强", "Recipient ": "收货人", "Forgot password": "忘记密码", "Review ": "评价", "Add product": "创建商品", "include": "含", "Good Classify": "商品分类", "Add child category": "添加子分类", "Refund successfully": "退款成功", "audit schedule": "审核进度", "Please return the goods": "请寄回商品", "Order center ": "订单中心", "Single order end": "单个订单结束", "According to ": "根据", "Enter new password": "请输入新密码", "please input remark": "请输入备注(选填)", "Template management": "模版管理", "Please enter only numeric values ": "请输入正确的手机号", "Product description": "商品描述", "New phone number": "新手机号码", "Buyers request for a refund": "买家申请退款", "Now you can start a whole new shopping experience ": "现在您可以开始全新的购物之旅", "Problem with logistics ": "物流出现问题", "Tab Title": "分类名", "Add ": "添加", "individual": "个人", "Store Address cannot be empty": "店铺地址不能为空", "Sequence": "排序", "Required, cannot be empty": "必填 不得为空", "Verification Code": "验证码", "View Details": "查看详情", "Transaction flow ": "交易流水", "Products listed for sales": "上架商品", "Category": "类目", "User": "用户", "Delivery info ": "快递信息", "No Reasons for Return or Exchange": "无理由退换货", "Confirm enable the sub-account": "确认启用该子账号", "Request for return(Seller)": "买家申请退货", "Email ": "邮箱", "Operation": "操作", "Reason": "原因", "Sub account": "个子账号", "merchantSettlement": "商家入驻", "No info at this moment": "No info at this moment", "Move": "移动", "Store info ": "店铺信息", "Verification successful ": "验证成功", "Site Name": "站点名称", "Issue invoice?": "开发票", "Next step ": "下一步", "quantity": "数量", "Select all ": "全选", "Quantity": "数量", "Customer was received the item": "客官已签收", "Company Name": "公司名称", "Your description has bad words, please edit and submit again": "您的评价中含有敏感词汇,请编辑后再次提交。", "Customer Address": "收货地址", "Total": "共", "Product Does Not Match Description on Website": "收到实际商品与描述不符", "This item has not been listed ": "此商品还未上架" }; 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